BESTOLIFE® Premium Compounds

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BESTOLIFE® at Sharewell HDD and Right Turn Supply Open House

Our Global HDD/Water Well Sales rep, Steve Wageman, attended an open house hosted by Sharewell HDD and Right Turn Supply in Houston Thursday, November 1st. 

Right Turn Supply Staff at the Bestolife Booth: Standing (left to right): Andrew Golley, Business Developement, Lea Huisman, Office Manager, Josh Talladay, Mud Engineer, Jon Heinen, Co-Owner, Tim Hutton, Co-Owner and Patrick Robinson, Co-Owner.  Kneeling (left to right): Steve Wageman, Bestolife HDD/Water Well Sales Rep, and Justin Albert, Business Development.

Bestolife was excited to see that Sharewell HDD did a demonstration using Stinger® HDD-All Season. In the demo a Sharewell employee applied our HDD-All Season to the male threads prior to screwing the sub onto the hole expander shaft of their boring machine.