INTERNATIONAL DRILLERS SUPPLY in Nashville, TN has been a key distributor for BESTOLIFE® Premium Thread Compounds since 1985, serving the Rock Drilling, Mining, Construction, and Tunneling industries. We have enjoyed a long and successful relationship as marketing partners and appreciate their loyalty and dedication. The INTERNATIONAL DRILLERS SUPPLY team are professionals with decades of experience servicing the drilling markets while exceeding their customer’s expectations. With the main headquarters in Nashville, and stocking locations in Arizona and Pennsylvania, INTERNATIONAL DRILLERS SUPPLY can promptly supply the compound requirements to the job sites around the country to avoid costly delays. We thank INTERNATIONAL DRILLERS SUPPLY for their efforts in making ours a mutually beneficial relationship. Please contact them for any of your drilling needs or for more information on BESTOLIFE® Premium Thread Compounds.
Jerry Holt
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Applies Like Honey.
Works Like a Bee.