Noah’s Service & Supply was started in Kilgore Texas by Brandon Noah with an expansion into the Permian Basin. Noah’s Service & Supply provides top-notch customer service to all their customers in Kilgore and Odessa Texas. They understand that the oil and gas industry never sleeps and that’s why Noah’s Service & Supply stays active around the clock to ensure you always get the equipment you need. We want to thank Noah’s Service & Supply for being a loyal distributor for BESTOLIFE® Premium Thread Compounds since 2014. Please contact Tommy or Mike @ Noah’s Service & Supply for further information about purchasing BESTOLIFE® Premium Thread Compounds in East Texas or the Permian Basin.
Mike Maxwell (East Texas)
Office: 903-218-6888
Cell: 903-812-1004
Tommy Lennox (West Texas)
Office: 432-332-0017
Cell: 903-918-1259
#BESTOLIFE® #noahsservice&supply #oilfield #easttexas #kilgore #westtexas #odessa #permianbasin #oilandgasindustry #familyowned #loyaldistributor #legacyintheoilfield #customerservice #threadcompound #oilandgas #drillingcompounds #productioncompounds #industrialcompounds #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #beekind #beepositive #beecool